The balls have come off our floater golf ball range. Some balls are in better condition than others, but all will float. I don't know if they play the same way on a course like other balls, nor do I know the distance you should get with them. They are not like other balls , they are 10% lighter so they can float. You will receive a random mix like the balls you see in the picture. This set of balls may be shipped out UPS Ground instead of USPS Ground mail (if it's cheaper for us) and may be delayed in shipping by up to a few days. If there is a time constraint please let us know. Purchase of this Item constitutes understanding and acceptance of this policy. The only way the balls sink is when they get a little bit heavier, this happens when algae attaches to the ball. The best way to keep this from happening is to get them quick. Otherwise your balls will sink. Sorry they don't come with propellers. You have wait till the wind blows them in.