
29 YEAR AA Merlin Gold Plated Alcoholics Anonymous CHIP COIN MEDALLION

$ 6.86


AA Anniversary 29 Year Coin in Merlin Gold Tone Traditional 1 3/8" Size (See my other EBAY listings for all other AA Years and Colors!) 29 Year - AA Proof-like Merlin Gold 1⅜" Minted in shiny, proof-like Bronze with merlin-Plating, and displaying the years of sobriety on the obverse, the AA Serenity Prayer coin is the perfect way to commemorate another 365 days of sobriety in physical, easy-to-carry way. The obverse features the words "To Thine Own Self Be True," from Shakespeare's Hamlet (Act 1, scene 3, 78–82), a motto that those striving for sobriety know well. The reverse features the AA Serenity Prayer: the mantra of AA's sobriety 12-step program. It reads as follows: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." These coins are made in the USA. This medallion is traditional size (1 3/8 inch in diameter) and is absolutely stunning. Please check out my other listings for different colors and sizes, and many other unique challenge coins! FREE SHIPPING (1st Class with tracking) usually the day of or day after purchase! Much nicer than the pressed aluminium coins often given at meetings. ONE DAY AT A TIME! EASY DOES IT!